Now accepting reservations for stays beginning March 1st!

7A Ranch is proud to have Green Acres Cottages join our diverse list of rentals!

Green Acres Cottages at 7A Ranch boasts 4 Queen Suites, 4 King Cottages, and 4 RV Spots. With access to all the 7A Ranch amenities, Green Acres is the perfect couples getaway, girl’s trip location, or rent the entire property for your own private Hill Country vacation. Enjoy the common area that includes grills, firepits, and outdoor seating. Come see why they call Wimberley “a little bit of heaven."  


Blanco Suite and Boerne Suite

Dripping Springs Cottage

Fredericksburg Cottage

Gruene Cottage

Luckenbach Cottage

New Braunfels Suite and Wimberley Suite

RV Sites

Interested in booking the entire property for an event? Submit a booking request below!